
Meditation and it’s Variety


Speaking about meditations, the first thing we should pay attention to is what meditation is actually?– To my mind – it is a certain tool that we use to influence our consciousness with certain goals. The second thing to pay attention to is why we start meditating:

That is, determine the purpose of meditation
I got the following list for the question of a possible “why”:

  1. New knowledge, increase in knowledge (already an exciting question before, the topic is a deepening)
  2. Cognition from scratch (new knowledge about an unfamiliar or previously unconscious object, phenomenon)
  3. Strengthening a state (more feeling)
    Acquisition of certain qualities (more practical – to understand how achieve)
  4. Changing the state of the mind / consciousness / body (change the angle / add another layer / expand / thicken
  5. Inward Cognition (meditation on deep desire and nature)
  6. Meditations aimed at changing external aspects (impact on someone / something) – for example, when people meditate for more love in the world

From another side we can also look at forms of meditation:

1) Mantral/Yantral – meditation through contemplation or listening to certain objects or sounds pumped with the necessary energy, meditation through the creation or singing of certain objects or sounds

2) Fatal – meditations aimed at mental immersion in a “crisis” or more critical state compared to the current one

3) Cathartic – dynamic meditations

4) Analytical meditations – dhyana – opposite points of view, consideration of all options, learning

5) Bhavana – a conscious choice to live and realize

6) Creative – the state of a constant observer aimed at collecting / absorbing information about a certain aspect in all its manifestations – for example, the aspect of “emotions” – and live, and observe, and pay attention everywhere

Method of meditations can be also different: Individual, pair / group / egregor meditations, meditations with a teacher (the teacher can lead and can also meditate at the same time – both on the current task, and on his own individual, and on both)

The result of meditation can be temporary (transient) or permanent (become part of consciousness) – in this case, by the expansion of consciousness or by the increase in awareness, we mean an increase in the number of aspects that are perceived and realized.

Wishing everyone to learn more about you and your deep nature with help of Meditations.

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