
Yoga and Spirituality

Find Your Yoga way

One of the of the yoga “goals” is to learn controlling and harmoniously living different expressions, experiences and feelings – in this way realizing our real deep nature 

Milana Nalin

What is Yoga about ?

Grounding principles of Spiritual Growth

3 MAIN STONES Before describing the principles of spiritual growth of a modern person, it is worth, in my opinion, philosophizing on the topic of “unprincipledness” in yoga. In this context, “unprincipledness” is not just the skill of the mind to question any axiom, assertion, view or attitude to something, twist and revise, expand, deepen, and sometimes recheck with opposing concepts and ideas, but also

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Meditation and it’s Variety

SOME TIPS TO UNDERSTAND MEDITATING PROCESS Speaking about meditations, the first thing we should pay attention to is what meditation is actually?– To my mind – it is a certain tool that we use to influence our consciousness with certain goals. The second thing to pay attention to is why we start meditating: That is, determine the purpose of meditationI got the following list for

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Entrance to yoga through the body

FIRST STEPS IN PRACTICING YOGA When you practice through your body, you also change how you feel and when you work with your emotions, your body also reacts. The easiest way to start practicing yoga – through work with your body and consciousness with the help of ASANAS (translated from Sanskrit as “comfortable (meditative) posture”) and PRANAYANAS (translated as “breathing practices”).  Asanas in classic yoga

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Yoga today: Ancient Tradition with a Modern Touch

WHERE YOGA CAME FROM? Yoga is one of the most ancient practices of human development. The first mentions of yoga date back to between 3000 and 2500 BC in ancient India. The “Vedas” book is considered to be the oldest text describing yoga. “Yoga Sutras of Patañjali” is later but more fundamental and systematic, and based on which a system of knowledge about yoga was

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Why Yoga is the key?

Yoga is not giving the final answers,Yoga gives tools for work with the body, desires and the spirit for getting  #own experience and for forming own #worldview that in end has no other choice than to become global

Ways to practice

Real Yoga starts when you go from the mat

Group classes

1:1 Practice with teacher

Practical Yoga in Life

About me

Hi, I'm Milana Nalin, the Yoga and Spiritual Teacher

More than 10 years ago, I came to my first yoga class to the gym and after that a fruitful and bright path was waiting for me. I am grateful to the teachers, the world, the situations that inspired to form my understanding of Yoga, which is constantly growing. And I am happy to inspire now those who are looking for answers. Modern yoga is practical and spiritual at the same time, it just begins with asanas and a mat, and then grows into all areas of our lives with the unique flowers of our true desires

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